Does English need a word for a parent who has lost a child?

“A person that loses a partner is called a widow [or widower]. A child who loses a parent is called an orphan. But there is no word for a parent that loses a child”

A very interesting point, that there is no word in English for a parent who has lost a child. Since our language affects how we think about things, does English need such a word? Could such a word bring greater understanding to and sympathy from those who know no such experience and cannot possibly relate, or would naming it risk reducing the seriousness with which we react to that which we cannot even name?


For the purpose of improving user security on a website / web application, would it be ethical to prevent users from selecting a password which is the same as that used to log in to their email address?

Q: How would a web developer/programmer know that the user had reused their email password?
A: Have a bot/script try to log in to the user’s email (they just gave you their address as well to sign up…) using the password they want to use on your website. If such a login is successful then discard the result and warn the user, preventing them from reusing the password. (And that’s why this is a non-trivial question of ethics.)


Does the increasingly digital nature of transactions affect popular tolerance of inflation and popular demand of cash denominations?


If I argue for a position and you agree with my conclusion, does it matter if you know who I am or why I want that conclusion? Why/Why not?