Defending the Miser | Mises Institute

The miser is roundly condemned and blamed for unemployment, changes in the business cycle, and economic depressions and recessions. Far from being harmful to society, the miser is a benefactor, increasing our buying power each time he engages in hoarding.

Source: Defending the Miser | Mises Institute


How does this argument play out in a recession or other poor economic environment suffering from an excessive underutilization of labor?

According to the FDA, Your Stem Cells Are Now Drugs

In recent court filings, the Food and Drug Administration has asserted that stem cells—you know, the ones our bodies produce naturally—are in fact drugs and subject to its regulatory oversight.

Funny, that sounds less like the FDA protecting the health of the country’s citizens and more like the FDA defending its enforcement turf.

Source: According to the FDA, Your Stem Cells Are Now Drugs