Why I Refuse to Vote for Mitt Romney – The Atlantic

He supports policies that are an affront to the Constitution, can’t possibly make good on his domestic agenda, and has terrible foreign-policy judgment.

Each of these men would have you believe that it is imprudent to trust the other. Yet if their opponent wins, each is on record affirming that he is empowered to spy, detain and kill in secret, and wage war without Congress. Given their willingness to confer those extreme powers, how deep can their mistrust really be?

Source: Why I Refuse to Vote for Mitt Romney – The Atlantic

Dutch proposal to search and destroy foreign computers « Bits of Freedom

On 15 October, the Dutch ministry of Justice and Security proposed powers for the police to break into computers, install spyware, search computers and destroy data. These powers would extend to computers located outside the Netherlands. Dutch digital rights movement Bits of Freedom warns for the unacceptable risks to cybersecurity and calls on other countries to strongly oppose the proposal.

Source: Dutch proposal to search and destroy foreign computers « Bits of Freedom

World’s biggest geoengineering experiment ‘violates’ UN rules | Environment | The Guardian

Controversial US businessman’s iron fertilisation off west coast of Canada contravenes two UN conventions

Source: World’s biggest geoengineering experiment ‘violates’ UN rules | Environment | The Guardian


From comments:

the big question now is “Did it work?” or “Is it working?”

— anonymous


To the best of my current understanding, I’m sure that you can make blooms occur with this or something very similar, depending on location. The issue is what the side-effects and unintended consequences are. This is almost certainly a *terrible* idea anywhere you want to keep sea life alive. Even *if* humanity decided that this were an affordable geoengineering amelioration/sink for CO2, you’d want to use the Black Sea to do it so that the naturally anoxic waters can keep the dead critter corpses longer and so that the sea die-off can be more reliably contained. And we’re not going to see serious side effects for years, potentially (see – the food web bit).

It appears to have produced the immediate intended result (plankton bloom), the success of the intended-intended result (remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for a meaningful amount of time — decades or longer) won’t be known for a long time, and unanticipated side effects might not be visible for a long time or only at larger scales depending on how strongly the local water column is affected by the dump.