An Elite That Has Lost the Impulse to Police Itself – The Atlantic

The DEA secretly instituted a mass surveillance program—and almost no one objected, even after it was revealed.

When a prominent attorney and former appointee sees a government abuse more clearly than his fellow citizens, is he obligated to raise his voice against the abusers? I’d argue that doing so is a civic obligation—and that the obligation is particularly acute for people who advocate for a powerful, opaque national security state, dismissing warnings that the federal government is too vulnerable to abuses. The assurances Americans are given about agencies like the NSA, FBI, and DEA ring hollow precisely because elites so often prove unwilling to hold them accountable—even elites who are otherwise committed to serving their country.

Source: An Elite That Has Lost the Impulse to Police Itself – The Atlantic

The Bully Business – The Atlantic

An entire industry is profiting off of tactics used to punish mean children at school.

One consistent element is that “solutions” such as this one never explicitly regard bullying as a symptom. As such, when causes are discussed, they are couched in terms of character defects.

Inconceivably, the captive environment of school is rarely, if ever, taken into account by researchers or faculty when assessing the behavior of students.

The only way to constructively deal with bullying is to give students appropriate degrees of autonomy and not compel them to be in oppressive environments where they are subjected to people they despise and deprived of any control over their lives.

Source: The Bully Business – The Atlantic