On Sunday’s Face the Nation, Sen. Rand Paul … explained how the NSA routinely and deliberately spies on Americans’ communications — listens to their calls and reads their emails — without a judicial warrant of any kind
A key purpose of the new 2008 FISA law — which then-Senator Obama voted for during the 2008 general election after breaking his primary-race promise to filibuster it — was to legalize the once-controversial Bush/Cheney warrantless eavesdropping program, which the New York Times won a Pulitzer Prize for exposing in 2005.
Perhaps the growing recognition that nobody is immune from such abusive powers will finally reverse that tide.
If nothing else, this debate ought to finally obliterate that pleasing though utterly false myth that the U.S. government does not and cannot spy on Americans’ communications without warrants. It does so constantly, easily, deliberately, and by design.
Source: Rand Paul Is Right: NSA Routinely Monitors Americans’ Communications Without Warrants