The notion that children belong to the whole community, propounded by Melissa Harris-Perry, would be terrible for most of them.
An article including an example of what happens when employees of the State disagree with how you have chosen (legally within the bounds of established local and federal law) to raise your child.
Source: Thank Goodness Kids Do Belong to Their Parents – The Atlantic
I’d generally fall on the side of the debate which is more surprised and upset that a neighbor’s first reaction is to call the police (rather than, you know, saying “hi” to the kid themselves or something similarly friendly-yet-concerned) and that the powers of the State (the police, CPS, etc.) are primarily concerned with scaring the family into behaving how the State wants them to act, rather than supporting a family’s choices in raising their kids (e.g. the police officer could have introduced himself to the child – Emily – and offered to help her get home or otherwise in the future, rather than detaining her and her father).