This Photo Captures Lava, Milky Way, Meteor, and Moon in a Single Shot

Adventure photographer Mike Mezeul II captured something truly extraordinary a couple of weeks ago. While hiking around Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii one night in September, he managed to capture the moon, the milky way, a meteor, and flowing lava in a single frame.

Source: This Photo Captures Lava, Milky Way, Meteor, and Moon in a Single Shot

The Daredevil Camera

What struck me about the idea was that there was a way to focus sound. It was a piece of mesh of some sort, which acted as a lens for ultrasonics. … Imagine using such lenses to focus sound onto a plane of microphones. Just like light in a camera. One microphone is one pixel. An ability to see sound.

Source: The Daredevil Camera