Let’s Give Every NSA Employee an Anonymous Whistleblowing Opportunity – The Atlantic

A reform that would protect classified information even as it helped tip off Congress and the public to surveillance abuses

Source: Let’s Give Every NSA Employee an Anonymous Whistleblowing Opportunity – The Atlantic


This is an interesting idea. I think the general concept of an anonymous, multiple-choice-only quiz could also be used in a corporate environment to deal with other sensitive issues (e.g. waste, compensation, ethics vs. legality).

Without Water, Revolution – The New York Times

The Syrian disaster is like a superstorm. It’s what happens when an extreme weather event, the worst drought in Syria’s modern history, combines with a fast-growing population and a repressive and corrupt regime and unleashes extreme sectarian and religious passions, fueled by money from rival outside powers — Iran and Hezbollah on one side, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar on the other, each of which have an extreme interest in its Syrian allies’ defeating the other’s allies — all at a time when America, in its post-Iraq/Afghanistan phase, is extremely wary of getting involved.

Source: Without Water, Revolution – The New York Times

Here’s Why Digital Rights Management Is Stupid And Anti-Consumer – Consumerist

Comparisons of downloadable books and music to their ancient, tangible predecessors are an old, old meme, but sometimes the comparison applies.

Source: Here’s Why Digital Rights Management Is Stupid And Anti-Consumer – Consumerist


The pirated version (and there is ALWAYS a pirated version) already has *FREE!* going for it. Do you really want to add “Less of a hassle to obtain, easier to use, and safer/less spyware” too?