Dentist charges patient for negative Yelp reviews, suit says – CNET

A New York dentist is accused of making patients sign away their copyright to negative reviews and then billing a patient $100 a day for posting unhappy reviews on Yelp. The dentist is now being taken to court.

Source: Dentist charges patient for negative Yelp reviews, suit says – CNET


This brings up some interesting questions about what it is okay to post online, where you may post it, and what other people (especially companies) may be allowed to do about it.

Another Study Shows Data Caps Are Likely Ineffective, Address Wrong Problem | TechCrunch

during peak hours when service is most likely to be affected by overcrowding, heavy users only make up a small percentage of those consuming bandwidth – 14.3%, to be precise. And of the heavy users, only half of them were on the fastest connection, further driving home the fact that while they may consume more in total, they are not contributing more than anyone else to the actual problem, which is slowdown in peak hours.

Source: Another Study Shows Data Caps Are Likely Ineffective, Address Wrong Problem | TechCrunch

The myth of renewable energy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

“Clean” and “green” are wide open to interpretation and misappropriation; that’s why they’re so often mentioned in quotation marks.

Not so for renewable energy, however. Somehow, people across the entire enviro-political spectrum seem to have reached a tacit, near-unanimous agreement about what renewable means: It’s an energy category that includes solar, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal power.

Renewable energy sounds so much more natural and believable than a perpetual-motion machine, but there’s one big problem: Unless you’re planning to live without electricity and motorized transportation, you need more than just wind, water, sunlight, and plants for energy. You need raw materials, real estate, and other things that will run out one day. You need stuff that has to be mined, drilled, transported, and bulldozed — not simply harvested or farmed. You need non-renewable resources

None of our current energy technologies are truly renewable, at least not in the way they are currently being deployed. We haven’t discovered any form of energy that is completely clean and recyclable, and the notion that such an energy source can ever be found is a mirage.

Source: The myth of renewable energy | Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists