Health care records in the cloud – Video – Business News

Athenahealth CEO Jonathan Bush says that his company’s cloud platform will help health care providers better manage patient information.

Source: Health care records in the cloud – Video – Business News


If credit card numbers are worth hacking for, then what are medical records worth? I’m all for better digital medical records, but the cloud is *not* the place for these things. I can already see a high tech assassin changing the medicine and dose back and forth to kill someone and cover it up so it looks like just another case of accidental death by improper medical care.

CEO pay dwarfs employee pay, AFL-CIO highlights

In 2010, chief executives at some of the nation’s largest companies earned $11.4 million in total pay, on average, far more than the typical American worker, according to the AFL-CIO.

Source: CEO pay dwarfs employee pay, AFL-CIO highlights


The numbers aren’t *quite* that bad. Note that they are comparing CEO compensation at S&P 500 companies versus Bureau of Labor Statistics data on *all* American workers as total CEO:Worker pay disparity; that’s like comparing the average income of Ivy League graduates to the average income of all high school graduates and labeling the result “the value of a college education”. But, the number is pretty bad and reflects a much greater disparity than at some points in the relatively recent past.

Secret Fears of the Super-Rich – The Atlantic

Does great wealth bring fulfillment? An ambitious study by Boston College suggests not. For the first time, researchers prompted the very rich—people with fortunes in excess of $25 million—to speak candidly about their lives. The result is a surprising litany of anxieties: their sense of isolation, their worries about work and love, and most of all, their fears for their children.

Source: Secret Fears of the Super-Rich – The Atlantic

Why American innovation will beat out China’s – Global Public Square – Blogs

Sometime this year, the Chinese government will announce a new initiative to lure ten scientific superstars to research labs throughout China. The government hopes that if it offers a $23 million dollar award to Nobel Prize winners and other luminaries, they will relocate and raise the quality and prestige of Chinese research and development.

Source: Why American innovation will beat out China’s – Global Public Square – Blogs


It sure would be nice if the US had a friendlier policy for letting graduate-educated people immigrate permanently to the US (especially those its institutions trained!).