There Is No Such Thing As Private Data – The Atlantic

Source: There Is No Such Thing As Private Data – The Atlantic

If you need credit or a place to live, companies may try to persuade you to give up even the most intimate information in your social media accounts.

social-media users of all stripes would be wise to remember that a post that’s private today may one day become fodder for a computer algorithm that will decide whether or not you deserve a loan, a house, or a job.

The End of the Internet Dream? | WIRED

Source: The End of the Internet Dream? | WIRED, by Jennifer Stisa Granick, Director of Civil Liberties at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society, and keynote speaker at Black Hat 2015

It’s up to us to make sure the Net is our liberator, not our oppressor

The first casualty of centralization has been privacy. And since privacy is essential to liberty, the future will be less free.

The Surveillance Paradigm: Be the friction – Our Response to the New Lords of the Ring – Feuilleton – FAZ

Source: The Surveillance Paradigm: Be the friction – Our Response to the New Lords of the Ring – Feuilleton – FAZ, by Shoshana Zuboff

A new social logic is taking shape: It’s all about surveillance. The individual is used as a mere provider of data. It’s time to break the arrogance of Silicon Valley.

Zuboff’s three laws: First, that everything that can be automated will be automated. Second, that everything that can be informated will be informated. And most important to us now, the third law: in the absence of countervailing restrictions and sanctions, every digital application that can be used for surveillance and control will be used for surveillance and control, irrespective of its originating intention.

FBI Kept Demanding Email Records Despite DOJ Saying It Needed a Warrant

Source: FBI Kept Demanding Email Records Despite DOJ Saying It Needed a Warrant

“It is very troubling that the FBI has apparently not been adhering to that guidance,” says Sen. Ron Wyden.

This should send up a huge red flag for Congress about the real potential for abuse

The FBI asks for so much, because it is banking that some companies won’t know the law and will disclose more than they have to. … The FBI is preying on small companies who don’t have the resources to hire national security law experts

How Russia’s New Facial Recognition App Could End Anonymity – The Atlantic

Source: How Russia’s New Facial Recognition App Could End Anonymity – The Atlantic

FindFace’s technology may one day allow anyone to identify you with their phone.

Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt referred to facial recognition as “the only technology Google has built and, after looking at it, we decided to stop.”

You can’t simply delete your profile from the Internet; … you might have to concede that you no longer have anonymity in public.