It’s Not About Cookies: Privacy Debate Happening At Wrong Level

Some form of digital privacy regulation in the US is about 90 percent certain in the coming year. In Europe, where privacy rules are much more stringent, the details of new consumer protections are currently being worked out on a practical level.

Source: It’s Not About Cookies: Privacy Debate Happening At Wrong Level


I think the outlook for digital privacy laws in the U.S. is much more dismal than the hope portrayed, but the title and idea are correct and important. I think relatively few people are bothered by businesses installing security cameras and taping events on their premises. Everyone should be upset if the security camera companies collated their tapes, used facial recognition technology to track everyone, and then ran data mining algorithms on the results.

Password Policies are Getting Out of Control | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM

 At least 9 characters long. No repeated characters. At least 1 number, 1 special character, and 1 capital letter. Cannot be same as last 10 passwords. Must change every 60 days. Oh, and don’t write it down either, or use on other sites.

Source: Password Policies are Getting Out of Control | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM