Health care records in the cloud – Video – Business News

Athenahealth CEO Jonathan Bush says that his company’s cloud platform will help health care providers better manage patient information.

Source: Health care records in the cloud – Video – Business News


If credit card numbers are worth hacking for, then what are medical records worth? I’m all for better digital medical records, but the cloud is *not* the place for these things. I can already see a high tech assassin changing the medicine and dose back and forth to kill someone and cover it up so it looks like just another case of accidental death by improper medical care.

Facebook To Share Users’ Home Addresses, Phone Numbers With External Sites

Facebook will be moving forward with a controversial plan to give third-party developers and external websites the ability to access users’ home addresses and cellphone numbers in the face of criticism from privacy experts, users, and even congressmen.

Source: Facebook To Share Users’ Home Addresses, Phone Numbers With External Sites

Break Out The Aluminum Foil To Secure Yourself From Hackers – Autoblog

Some basic electronic gear is all tech-minded car thieves would need to steal many recent models, according to Swiss researchers. They successfully hacked into 10 vehicles from eight manufacturers in the latest of a growing number of studies exposing potential security risks as vehicles become more computerized and connected.

Source: Break Out The Aluminum Foil To Secure Yourself From Hackers – Autoblog


There is something to be said for “old” security systems, like physical keys and actually keeping secrets to yourself in your head.