Breakthrough Study Explains Why We Arrest Moms for Putting Kids in Nearly Non-Existent ‘Danger’ – Hit & Run :

Moral disapproval trumps facts.

But even the results of the mom-only surveys seem to show that Americans believe the only decent way to raise a child is with a full-time mother never taking her eyes off her kids. Only June Cleaver types get a pass.

Anyone else—impoverished moms, single moms, moms with big families—are seen as putting their kids in danger simply because they cannot directly supervise every kid every second.

Source: Breakthrough Study Explains Why We Arrest Moms for Putting Kids in Nearly Non-Existent ‘Danger’ – Hit & Run :

Instead of asking, “are robots becoming more human?” we need to ask “are humans becoming more robotic?” — Quartz

Brett Frischmann, professor at Cardozo law school, and Evan Selinger, philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, argue that we need an inverse Turing Test to determine to what extent humans are becoming indistinguishable from machines.

Source: Instead of asking, “are robots becoming more human?” we need to ask “are humans becoming more robotic?” — Quartz


sometimes being human is costly

— Brett Frischmann, professor at Cardozo law school