Why I Refuse to Vote for Barack Obama – The Atlantic

The case against casting a ballot for the president — even if you think he’s better than Mitt Romney

If two candidates favored a return to slavery, or wanted to stone adulterers, you wouldn’t cast your ballot for the one with the better position on health care.

Source: Why I Refuse to Vote for Barack Obama – The Atlantic


I think the concept that everyone has a line past which they would in fact vote for neither of two choices is quite interesting. Also, is voting for Obama better than voting, for example, for Gary Johnson (or any other candidate that has a statistically insignificant chance of winning the election)? Does voting for a “loser” (e.g. voting non-Republican in Texas or non-Democrat in Rhode Island) send a message about being dissatisfied with the going-to-win party’s platform without risking them actually losing, assuming you feel the other guy is even worse?