What will kids today tell their kids about “back in the day”?

How will the present be remembered? Join the discussion on Wait But Why’s weekly Dinner Table forum.

Source: What will kids today tell their kids about “back in the day”?


– Back in my day, we entrusted other humans with deadly weapons to police society.

– Back in my day, Florida stretched almost all the way to Cuba and Kansas was a bread basket of farms instead of a desert.

– Back in my day, schooling cost thousands of dollars per year after you turned 18, and that used to be a lot of money.

– Back in my day, our grandparents’ generation had gone to the moon but we were afraid we’d never leave the earth and land on another gravity well again.

– Back in my day, we had to physically or verbally interact with a computer in order to make it do things instead of just thinking about it.

– Back in my day, there were still old people who drove cars themselves, manually. They had a wheel and pedals and a bunch of buttons.

– Back in my day, people frequently got lost and there was no overmind to find them and bring them home.

– 在我们那个时代,英语比汉语中国更重要,谷歌翻译没有工作。(“Back in my day, English was more important than Mandarin Chinese, and Google Translate did not work well.”)

Six maps that will make you rethink the world – The Washington Post

Source: Six maps that will make you rethink the world – The Washington Post

New maps for the U.S. – and the world

You hear Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump scapegoating globalization — it’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. America has been the creator and driver of globalization over the last 25 years. Yes, it is now a more level playing field, and we are not always the winners, but that is the fault of politics and bad policy. In 2004, a pillar of John Edwards’s presidential campaign was worker retraining programs for new industries. Twelve years later, where is that program? Just because we didn’t create it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The Germans did it, the Swiss did it, the Koreans do it. Other countries don’t blame globalization, they manage it, they take advantage of it. I think we failed to do that, and that’s what explains Trump and Sanders.

The year 2050 or 2100 seems like light-years away. But if we agree that climate change is not getting reversed or slowed down by our current efforts, you have to take seriously the idea that the world’s existing political boundaries and restricting the movement of people don’t make a lot of sense. Canada isn’t going to be just for the Canadians, and what we today call Russia isn’t just going to be for the rapidly diminishing Russian population.

We think of security as the most paramount global public good, and America is the leading provider of that good. But what China has shown is that infrastructure is an equally important public good. Hundreds of countries desperately need and want infrastructure, and China is the world’s leading provider of that.


The idea that you can sell “retreat from globalization!” to people and have it end well is also insanity – you’re either committing economic suicide, or you’re lying to your voter base.

Like climate change, you don’t have to embrace it to plan for it and work to make the best of it. We need a new New Deal of sorts to help people move at the new speed of the economy.

+ People need to be retrained, and need the safety net of knowing they *will* be retrained, or else we’ll get a glut of people skilling up for what they think jobs might be like in 20 years, and we’ll be critically short of people capable of doing the work needed in 5 years.

+ The government needs a new, next-millennium “Interstate Highway System” – something to facilitate the movement of labor from supply to demand. Maybe that’s universal internet access, or maybe it’s a regulation against geographic employment discrimination and government subsidized relocation, or maybe it’s government-funded, open-source virtual office software. But something should be done to relieve population pressures on places like Silicon Valley and San Francisco proper, and to relieve unemployment in disadvantaged out-of-the-way places – and it would be best if this was done without gutting the tax base of the places which aren’t booming.

+ Healthcare, insurance, retirement investments, and some minimum amount of time off (e.g. for new children and for caring for the sick and elderly) need to be decoupled from jobs and employers.

+? Maybe we need an Export-Import Bank 2.0 – an organization dedicated to increasing exports by going out of their way to find products and services that could be sold abroad and helping to make that happen, rather than only helping to finance exports.


From Comments:

You can’t say ‘geology [or geography] matters’ and then go on to say that human constructs and infrastructure are the sole drivers of economic, cultural and political pathways. I think the anti-Bernie rhetoric in Mr. Khanna’s analysis is meant to cover up some very serious conceptual flaws.

Probably not entirely correct (e.g. canals across the Rocky Mountains?) but I think it is fundamentally right. I like the idea that long-term trends favor consolidation and connectedness.

Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg Plan Interstellar Mission to Alpha Centauri – The Atlantic

Source: Yuri Milner and Mark Zuckerberg Plan Interstellar Mission to Alpha Centauri – The Atlantic

Yuri Milner is spending $100 million on a probe that could travel to Alpha Centauri within a generation—and he’s recruited Mark Zuckerberg and Stephen Hawking to help. In an interview with ​The Atlantic, Milner makes his case for star travel.

This is a very big laser.

Why Cryonics Makes Sense – Wait But Why

Source: Why Cryonics Makes Sense – Wait But Why

The more I read about cryonics—i.e. freezing yourself after death—the more I realized it’s something we should all be talking about.

Cryonics is the process of pausing people in critical condition, in the hopes that people from the future will be able to save them.

because Dylan Thomas said it best:

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Why we should fear a cashless world | Dominic Frisby | Opinion | The Guardian

Source: Why we should fear a cashless world | Dominic Frisby | Opinion | The Guardian

Poor people and small businesses rely on cash. A contactless system will likely entrench poverty and pave the way for terrifying levels of surveillance

We already live in a world that is, as far as the distribution of wealth is concerned, about as unequal as it gets. It may even be as unequal as it’s ever been. My worry is that a cashless society may exacerbate inequality even further.

The crash of 2008 showed that, when push comes to shove, banks have already been exempted from the very effective regulation that is bankruptcy – one by which the rest of us must all operate. Do we want this sector to have yet more power and influence?

In a world without cash, every payment you make will be traceable. … The power this would hand them is enormous and the potential scope for Orwellian levels of surveillance is terrifying.

I’m not saying we should all take our money out of the bank, but that we should all have the option to. Cash gives you that option. Why remove it? It’s our money. Not the banks’.