What is Wilderness?

RE: Most Remote Spots in USA Wilderness Complexes | Peakbagger

18.76 miles. You can drive this distance in 15 minutes on a freeway. But it is also the furthest away you can get in the “Lower 48” US states from roads, machines, and motors.


How much uninhabited space do you need before it counts as “wilderness“, and what counts as “uninhabited“? Does the backyard of a 0.1-acre property have several square feet of wilderness? Is an undeveloped 0.25-acre plot a quarter-acre of wilderness? If highway traffic can be heard constantly throughout a 1000-acre wetland, or if a 1000-acre woodland has a walking trail, then is that area wilderness? If a particular area of 1000 square kilometers is logged or fished only once a decade, is it wilderness? Is even 100,000 square miles still wilderness if it is filled with radio waves, its skies are routinely flown over, its waters are downstream from the effluent of civilization, its animals are harvested should they ever wander or migrate outside its borders, or microscopic synthetics (e.g. plastics) can be found in every specimen of its ecosystem?

What happens if Trump quits now?

If Trump quits campaigning for president (because his campaign is insolvent/broke or for any other reason) weeks or months ahead of the election date in November, then what would that mean – for the country and for the presidency? Would it be like the later state primaries where voters could still tick a box for Rubio even though he wasn’t running anymore? What would it mean for the two-party system for one of the parties/choices to essentially have been seized and then squandered/demolished? Could Clinton even claim a proper victory/mandate if on election day she functionally/practically runs unopposed?

The billionaire’s political operation is running a record $45 million deficit.

however. He owes nearly all of it to himself.

Source: Will Trump’s Campaign Drown in Debt?


Does giving up expectations of control necessitate giving up expectations of agency? Is a loss of control equivalent to a loss of agency?

Is it possible to ‘steal’ work?

San Francisco taxi labor groups called for the eradication of car ride-sharing startups and the imprisonment of some of their members at a protest in front of City Hall yesterday. “We want to see these illegal cabs to go away. We want them to be ticketed, cited, arrested, if necessary. They should not be allowed as long as you have a regulated taxi force,” said Barry Korengold, President of the San Francisco Cab Drivers Association, who helped organize the protest.

Source: Taxi Groups Call For Eradication Of Rideshare Startups At SF City Hall Protest | TechCrunch


Is it possible to ‘steal’ work? Do you ‘own’ your job? Your customers? Your sales? At what point is a contemplated or incomplete transaction ‘yours”?

I like the concept that something must be “property” in order to be stealable. Is all property stealable, or is “is property” a necessary but insufficient precondition to “is stealable”?

Historically, it could be said that union shops — businesses which could only hire members of a specific union / businesses whose employees were forced to belong to a specific union and pay its dues — represented jobs “owned” by the union(s). Or is that a stretch?

What factors could/should be considered in determining if something is/could/should be “property”?